If you are hosting or attending a luau this summer, you might just be thinking out some luau drink ideas. Well, you are in luck! Throughout collaboration with some of the nicest bloggers around, I’m bringing you 25 of the best drinks for a luau or tropical party! There isn’t much that says tropical party…
Best Tropical Foods for a Luau or Summer Party
If you are hoping to find some tropical foods ideas for a luau or summer party, we’ve got you covered! We have rounded up more than 35 of the best luau foods from all over the interwebs from the best bloggers out there! This collection includes tropical entrees, tropical desserts, tropical appetizers, and tropical side…
Cute and Modern Baby Shower Ideas for Work
Many baby shower themes work for any season of the year. And many are gender-friendly for boys or girls although some lend themselves more for one or the other. Check out these modern baby shower ideas. We’ve got ideas for a virtual baby shower, pop in baby showers, and breakfast baby showers perfect for work…
Adorable Fall Baby Shower Themes to Plan this Year
Fall baby shower themes lend themselves to all the pumpkins and fall splendor found naturally in autumn. Keep reading for a look at some of the best autumn baby shower themes. Welcome, Little Pumpkin Baby Shower Theme Baby shower themes for fall are so easy if you simply incorporate pumpkin sugar cookies, a fall color…
The Sweetest Baby Shower Themes for Summer
It’s baby season! Well, it’s always baby season, isn’t it? If you are planning a celebration for someone special, you have found the place. We have rounded up the best baby shower themes for summer – including mermaid baby showers, honey bee baby shower ideas, peaches baby showers, lemon baby showers, fiesta baby shower twin…
Spring Baby Shower Themes to Plan the Best Celebration
If you are in search of spring baby shower themes, look no further! WE are bringing you a spring bloom baby shower, a succulent baby shower, a baseball baby shower, and a tea for two tea party baby shower (perfect for twins) as well as other ideas! We teachers go all in when it comes…
The Best Baby Shower Themes for Winter Babies
Baby shower themes for winter lend themselves to Christmas baby showers and snow themed baby showers. Baby Shower Themes for Winter Little Snowflake Baby Shower Theme for Winter with a Snowman Diaper Cake Baby shower themes for winter are so easy if you simply incorporate snowflake sugar cookies, a light blue and white color scheme,…
The Best Letter Board And Cake Sayings For Retirement
If you are considering retirement party themes, you will likely want to consider some cake sayings for retirement, retirement invitation quotes, and retirement letter boards or signs. I’ve had the pleasure of helping with lots of teacher retirement parties in my day and attending plenty of other retirement parties for friends and family. One of…
Best Retirement Party Themes To Organize At Work
Apparently, I’ve got retirement on the brain because I have written three retirement themed parties in the last week! Take a look through today as I share about two fun retirement party themes you can organize at school or work. You can believe we teachers like to send out a veteran teacher with great fanfare…
An Ice Cream Truck Party to Celebrate Special Events
Today, I’m sharing a really cool retirement party my friends and I hosted – an ice cream truck party! We had so much fun celebrating one of my teacher friends as she brought her long career in education to an end. Opting for an ice cream truck for party theme was a perfect idea because…