If you’ve been following along for a while, you know I’ve become my mother. Admittedly, I’m a crazy plant lady. So, of course, I had to come up with a list of funny plant quotes and funny garden quotes for my letter boards and my chalkboards. Some of these quotes about plants I have seen imprinted on pots at stores. Also, I’ve seen funny garden quotes and succulent quotes here and there. I made it a mission to recall as many quotes about plants as I could and compile them here!
If you are looking for quotes about a garden or funny plant quotes in general, this list is for you!
Likely, I have too much time on my hands, but I get such a kick out of changing out my letter boards. I have a white one which fell and cracked on one part of the frame. I still use it but just try to strategically place it so the crack doesn’t show. And I won a new black one for Christmas in a Dirty Santa game!
Not only have I been hoarding plants, but I’m also obsessed with baskets and ceramic pots. Switching the plants around into new baskets and pots is a lot like changing out jewelry. It is so fun to make new combinations! Use containers and house plants as home decor is great for freshening up the look of a room or porch.
No doubt, there are so many funny plant quotes and garden quotes out there! I came across these at my favorite all-in-one flea market and boutique shopping center. Aren’t these quotes about plants just so quirky?
As for me, I’m still loving my woven basket with a chalkboard plaque. It is a Better Homes and Gardens basket which I found at Walmart last spring. Don’t you just love styling a plant in a basket? Truly, the natural elements of both marry together for such an unfussy look.
I also found this other smaller basket with a chalkboard plaque at one of my favorite flea markets. I love the pop of pink!
Get Creative with These Funny Garden Quotes
I have all the dirt
Got dirt?
A little dirt don’t hurt
Soiled myself again
I’m the heart and soil of this place
Put me where the sun don’t shine
Give me light (or give me death)
I dig it
I dig my garden
It’s okay to grow slow
When I droop, you droop, we droop
I hope this day is lit
No sun, no fun
Don’t stop be-leafing
What a re-leaf!
Leaf me alone
Grow, girl, grow!
Peace. Love. Plants.
Ready, set, grow!
I like a good garden hoe
Hoeing ain’t easy
Always rootin’ for ya!
Funny Plant Quotes and Garden Quotes for Letter Boards
These funny plant quotes are so fun on a letter board styled with a plant on a ledge or shelf.
Botany plants lately?
Awfully frond of you
Welcome to the jungle
Don’t weed me out!
Just tell me I’m pretty and bring me plants
Plant lady-ish
I want to get into your plants
Actually, I didn’t need that last drink
Life is short. Just buy the plants.
Alexa, water the plants.
How many plants? Lost count a long time ago.
Let the good plants roll
Home is where I kill the plants
Home is where the plants are
Stay wild
Can’t stop. Won’t stop buying plants.
Plantaholic. On road to recovery. Just kidding. On the road to buy more plants.
Funny Plant Quotes for Cacti (Cactus)
These plant quotes are especially cute for cactus!
So on point
Pretty fly for a cacti
Cactus makes perfect
Lookin’ sharp, my friend!
I’m no cactus expert, but I know a prick when I see one
In a world of pansies, be a cactus
Funny Succulent Quotes
Well, aloe!
Aloe Ha
Aloe there
Aloe you vera much!
What the fucculent?
One sharp succa
I’m a succa for you
Funny Herb Quotes and Vegetable Garden Quotes
Who doesn’t attempt to grow herbs each spring and summer? Adorn your herb garden area with these cute herb quotes. Dill quotes and thyme quotes are especially clever!
You and me – mint to be!
Say it ain’t cilantro!
Never enough thyme
Celebrate the good thymes
It’s party thyme!
How thyme flies
Long thyme, no see
…you will find me, thyme after thyme
Kind of a big dill
Dill with it
The real dill
What’s the dill?
Eat, drink, and be rosemary
Let me give you some sage advice
Oh, sweet chive of mine
Parsleave me alone!
Over here kale’n it
The Only Thing Better Than Plants? Funny Plants!
Survival of the fittest
How many days ya think I have left?
Besties for the resties
Best buds
I like big plants, and I cannot lie
I like big buds, and I cannot lie
Plant one on me
Can’t keep my plants to myself
Total pot head
Supporting Plant Parenthood
The best laid plants often go awry
Places like At Home and Big Lots carry lots of funny plant pots and stands. They tend to carry fun ones with typography printed on them or puns engraved into the pot.
I make the air you breathe. You owe me.
Watch out! I’m a snake (plant) in the basket
My crazy plant lady is better than yours
I will survive. Or maybe I won’t.
Plant Quotes for Hanging Plants or Air Plants
Just hangin’ around
Come hang
Still hangin’ on
Positive Plant Quotes
What you plant now you will harvest later
Grow with whatever life plants you
Just keep growing. Just keep growing
All things grow with love
Trust your ability to grow
All grow at different rates and in different conditions
I be-leaf in you
Other Decorating with Plants Posts You Might Enjoy
I hope you find a spot in your home or garden for these funny plant quotes and garden quotes! Be sure to check out these other posts for plant inspiration:
Amy is a wife, mom, teacher, and content creator/owner of Planted in Arkansas. She loves creating recipes, travel plans, party ideas, and outfits. And she believes in celebrating all things - big and small.
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