Well, friends, we’ve nearly made it another year! Hopefully, your year some some happy times and long-lasting fun memories! And if not, well, here’s to a new year, right? Today, I’m sharing New Year letter board quotes to help jazz up your post-Christmas home – whether for a New Year’s celebration or just for yourself. These 35+ New Year’s letter board quotes include funny New Years resolution quotes as wells as basic New Years wishes quotes. There is also a section on religious wishes for New Year letter boards. We’ve updated the list for the perfect letter board quotes!
If your home is anything like mine, it feels pretty bleak after all the Christmas decor comes down. A little fun cheer into the coming year will help spice things up! If you don’t have a letter board, now is the time! Just think, you have a whole new 365 days to fill it up with clever sayings! You can find a variety of letter boards at Target, Walmart, Amazon, Hobby Lobby, Etsy, Home Goods, etc.
Tons More Letter Board Posts
We all know I’m a sucker for a good letter board quote or chalkboard sign quote. By now I’ve covered most seasons and holidays.
Check this list of funny New Year’s resolutions quotes! Who doesn’t like to make fun of himself/herself when it comes to New Year resolutions?
This year, I’m going to tell more people to shove it.
Here’s how many resolutions I plan to keep:
Resolution shmesolution
If it takes me more than 2 days to break my resolutions, I’ve made too many.
To try to improve perfection in the new year or not? That is the question.
Oh, darn. I’m still just as imperfect as I was 365 days ago.
Dear New Year’s Resolution…we had a good go. – Me on January 3
New Year’s resolutions, take… (your age here)
New year, new me…for like a week
New year, same hot mess
A sparkly new year to start fresh on old bad habits
General New Year’s Letter Board Quotes for 2022
Then, we have those New Year’s letter board quotes that are specifically connected to the year we’ve ended or the year we are starting. Enjoy these 2022 letter board quotes!
Dear New Year, please be nice.
New Year, Who Dis?
New Year? Can I see a trailer first?
2021. It came. It saw. It made things awkward.
2021 Survivor
2021, you screwed up a’plenty
2021…you’ll go down in history
Today marks the end of 10 years of 2021
2022, please be more fun
In 2022, we’ll work hard and get it done
In 2022, work hard and have fun
2022, just be nice to everyone. K?
Dear ’22, I’m ready for ya.
Just you, me and ’22.
2022 – 2 Legit 2 Quit
Oh, ’22. Please come through.
It’s 2022…wahoo!
Oh, ’22, what fun will ensue?
We pushed through 2021. In 2022, let’s have some fun!
2022, what it do?
In 2021, we had to make do. We’ll make up for it in 2022!
For 2022, what’s your big to do?
2022, there’s your cue. Make it a good one. Please and thank you.
New Year’s Eve Quotes
Sometimes, you want some New Year’s Eve quotes to add to your New Year’s Eve party letter boards.
Staying up till midnight just to see this year out
Popp. Fizz. Clink.
It’s the last night of the year. Let’s part-ay, my dear.
Kiss me at midnight
Cocktails in our hands. Confetti in our hair.
Counting it down. Ringing it in.
Sparkles and Spirits
Bring on the bubbly.
Have a sparkling new year.
It’s getting late. Let’s Celebrate.
Famous New Year’s Quotes for Letter Boards
Sometimes, a famous person leaves words to live by, year after year, as we see with the famous New Year’s quotes.
There are far better things ahead than we leave behind. (C.S. Lewis)
In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. (Abraham Lincoln)
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. (Oprah…this one is my absolute favorite of all the New Year’s wishes quotes! I use it every year!)
Inspirational New Year’s Quotes for Letter Boards
And here are more inspirational New Year’s quotes for letter boards.
The best is yet to come.
Do something now that you will thank yourself for next January 1.
Page 1 of 365.
Good things are on their way.
A lot can change in a year. Keep going, dear.
2023. How ya gon’ be?
This shall be a good year
12 new chapters, 365 new pages
Religious Wishes for New Year Letter Boards
Look into the new year with hopefulness and gratefulness with these religious quotes for the new year.
In the new year, live it up. Live it out. Live it for Jesus.
Thank you, Lord, for this new year you bring.
In good health and good spirits we will enjoy this new year the Lord has given.
New good year, same good Jesus.
Another year for Jesus and family.
Another year for God and His goodness.
365 new days of blessings and gratitude
A new year to do the Lord’s work. Let’s go!
Whether you are looking for New Year’s Eve quotes or general quotes for the new year, I hope you found at least one great choice from this list of New Year letter board quotes! Although many people display New Year letter board quotes for celebrations, you can certainly display them all through January in your home or workplace. Religious quotes for the new year are a great way to keep your mind positively focused on the good things to come. Placing your religious wishes for New Year letter boards will help keep your mind focused on those positive thoughts. Likewise, funny New Year’s resolution quotes or inspirational New Year’s quotes are fun ways to decorate after the holidays have ended.
Amy is a wife, mom, teacher, and content creator/owner of Planted in Arkansas. She loves creating recipes, travel plans, party ideas, and outfits. And she believes in celebrating all things - big and small.
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